The Collection

Honestly I should say "The (Lack thereof) Collection." Seeing that I'm a beginner at retro gaming and just game collecting in general (I had to sell most of my systems and games for text books yo! Not to mention I'm up to my eyeballs in student loans) this page is quite scarce. But hopefully as I have spare money, I'll keep adding to this list. A girl can dream right?

With that being said, here's what I have:

Playstation 3

Dynasty Warriors 8
Mass Effect Trilogy
Uncharted 3
Red Dead Redemption
Dragon Age: Origin
The Last of Us
Portal 2

Nintendo 3DS

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Remastered

Super Nintendo Entertainment System

If your wondering how I make video with games I don't have, I borrow them from my amazing friends. If there is something not on the that list that I need to have, feel free to contact me. I'm alway itching to try new games!